Thursday, December 9, 2010

Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber has an APP for that

The Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce another benefit exclusive to business members.

Following several months of negotiations, the Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce has announced it has reached an agreement with MyChamberApp to provide the first Decatur County area exclusive smartphone application.

“This is one of the coolest business promotion tools out there,” Executive Director Jeff Emsweller said. “This takes our business directory, provides maps, Web-site links and phone numbers of all of our chamber members and places it in anyone’s hand – anywhere you go.”

The local Chamber of Commerce rolled out the new “MyChamberApp” software Monday, allowing smartphone users to better locate all Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber members while on the go. “How many times have you wanted to call a business while on the go? “ Emsweller said. “Perhaps you are sitting at a ball game and you would like to order some food for pick up. Call up our chamber app and if the business is a chamber member, you will have instant access to it and can call by simply pressing on the business phone number displayed. Some members will also have their entire website available through this new service. If you are looking to see if a business has a certain item or sales, you can do that as well.”

Two types of users were kept in mind when the app was in the building stages – locals and visitors. Those unfamiliar with Greensburg and Decatur County have a built-in GPS system on their side to help better navigate towards a business of choice. “Visitors who have this app will be able to find out lots of things, including where to shop, eat, play or stay,” Emsweller said. “Maybe a visitor is in town and they want to find out if this city has a certain banking center they can access. With this app, if the financial institution is a member of the Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce, they would be able to not only find their street address, they can get GPS directions from their location, and could place a direct call to them if they so desired.

“Apps have quickly become the new way to gather information and communicate,” Emsweller continued. “Now there is an app for that in Greensburg and Decatur County, Indiana. This is just one more way to draw attention to this area and provide added value to our supporting Chamber members.”

The Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce will also be updating a calendar available through MyChamberApp. The calendar will list many of the Chamber’s activities and events as well as those of its members.

The listings available on the app are for those chamber members who have been in good standing throughout 2010, even though some businesses have closed or relocated. Members, including new members, will receive updated listings in 2011.

“This is a work in progress, and we have reached a great stage with this rollout,” Emsweller said. “We will continue to tweak this application and all it does. But it is very exciting to get to this point.”

For more information about the Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce, its efforts, services and membership, visit or call Jeff Emsweller, executive director or Melissa Bruns, executive assistant at 812-663-2832.